
Useful/helpful advice from Professors or students

  1. Advice on pursuing a PhD: Link
  2. Advice on CS PhD admissions: Jean Yang
  3. Tips on admission: Maria Antoniak has written useful guides
  4. Amazing panel video by Himabindu Lakkaraju
  5. On successful research by Alexander Terenin
  6. A Collection of Advice for PhD Students by Alan Ritter
  7. Writing Technical Report by Jeff Orchard
  8. How to write a decent scientific article or thesis by Drs. Clifford & Smoot

Here are the ones I have written

  1. Bridging Brains and Bytes: A Computer Scientist’s Role in Neuroscience: Women in Neuroscience, UK
  2. The do’s & don’ts of writing a research request email: Article in XRDS ACM
  3. The Truth About Multitasking in Humans: Shattering the illusion of parallelism: Article in IEEE Women in Engineering

Virtual workshops I organized